Pricing overview

Amazon Neptune is a fast, reliable, and fully managed graph database service that makes it easy to build and run applications that work with highly connected datasets for use cases such as identity graphs, knowledge graphs, and fraud detection. Neptune is comprised of two engines that can be used together or separately: Amazon Neptune Database and Amazon Neptune Analytics.

Neptune Database is a serverless graph database designed for superior scalability and availability. With Neptune Database, there are no long-term commitments or upfront fees. You pay for your database by the hour, using on-demand instances. This frees you from the costs and complexities of planning, purchasing, and maintaining hardware and transforms what are commonly large fixed costs into much smaller variable costs.

Neptune Analytics is an analytics database engine for quickly analyzing large amounts of graph data to get insights and find trends. With Neptune Analytics, pricing is based on configurations of memory-optimized Neptune Capacity Units (m-NCUs). Each m-NCU corresponds to one GB of memory and corresponding compute and networking capacity for 1 hour. It is available in defined configurations starting from 128 m-NCUs to 4,096 m-NCUs. There is no need to pick the optimal instance family and size of instance. There are no additional charges for persistent storage or I/O. Backup storage charges apply for graph snapshots.

Neptune Database cluster configuration

With Neptune, you can configure your database clusters to run cost-effectively, regardless of the scaling needs or evolving data access patterns of your applications. You have the flexibility to choose between the Amazon Neptune Standard and Amazon Neptune I/O-Optimized configuration options to best match the price-performance and price-predictability requirements of your unique workload characteristics. Your database instance, storage, and I/O charges will vary based on the option you choose. To learn more, visit Neptune storage and reliability.

Neptune Standard offers cost-effective pricing for the vast majority of applications running on Neptune with typical data access patterns and low-to-moderate I/O usage. With Neptune Standard, you pay for your database instances, storage, and pay-per-request I/O.

Neptune I/O-Optimized delivers improved price performance for I/O-intensive applications. If your I/O spend exceeds 25% of your total Neptune database spend, you can save up to 40% on costs for I/O-intensive workloads with Neptune I/O-Optimized. With Neptune I/O-Optimized, you only pay for your database instances and storage usage, and there are zero charges for read and write I/O operations. Neptune I/O-Optimized offers predictable pricing for all applications regardless of evolving data access patterns or I/O usage. Neptune I/O-Optimized removes variability in I/O spend.

Get started with Neptune Database for free

As part of the AWS Free Tier, you can get started with Neptune Database for free. If your organization has never created a Neptune cluster until April 20, 2022 or later, you are eligible to use 750 hours of the Neptune db.t3.medium or db.t4g.medium instance, 10 million I/O requests, one GB of storage, and one GB of backup storage for free for 30 days.

Your free trial starts from the day when you create your first Neptune Database cluster. Once your free trial expires or your usage exceeds the free allowance, you can keep it running at our standard on-demand rates. For more information, see the Neptune Free Trial page.

Neptune Analytics

Neptune Analytics is an analytics database engine for Neptune to perform fast analytics operations over tens of billions of graph connections in seconds. To quickly analyze graph data, Neptune Analytics stores large graph datasets in memory and supports a library of optimized graph analytic algorithms, low-latency graph queries, and vector search.

To get started, Neptune Analytics provides nine configurations for m-NCUs from 32 m-NCUs to 4,096 m-NCUs for customers to choose from when creating a graph. Each m-NCU corresponds to one GB of memory and corresponding compute and networking capacity for 1 hour. Customers can terminate the graph as soon as they are done with their analysis and are billed only for the duration for which the graph was running.

On-demand instances pricing for Neptune Database

On-demand instances let you pay for your database by the hour with no long-term commitments or upfront fees. This frees you from the costs and complexities of planning, purchasing, and maintaining hardware and transforms what are commonly large fixed costs into much smaller variable costs.

Instance pricing applies to both primary instances, used for read-write workloads, and to Neptune replicas, used to scale reads and enhance failover. Neptune uses Multi-Availability Zone (Multi-AZ) architecture to failover to one of your replicas if an outage occurs. The cost of Multi-AZ deployments is simply the cost of the primary instance plus the cost of each Neptune replica. To maximize availability, we recommend placing at least one replica in a different AZ from the primary instance.

Instances charges will vary based on the database cluster configuration you choose to best match the price-performance and price-predictability needs of your application. All instances in a database cluster will either be charged the price for the Neptune Standard or Neptune I/O-Optimized configuration.

T4g and T3 CPU Credits

Neptune T4g and T3 DB instances run in unlimited mode, which means that you will be charged if your average CPU use over a rolling 24-hour period exceeds the baseline of the instance. CPU credits are charged at $0.15 per vCPU-Hour. The CPU credit pricing is the same for T4g and T3 instances across all AWS Regions. 

Neptune Database Serverless

Neptune Serverless is a serverless deployment option for Neptune Database. It is an on-demand, auto scaling deployment option that automatically adjusts database capacity based on application needs. With Neptune Serverless, you only pay for the database capacity and storage your database consumes when it is active. Your database capacity automatically scales up or down to meet your application workload needs, saving you money and administration time. Neptune Serverless measures database capacity in Neptune Capacity Units (NCUs) billed per second. 1 NCU has approximately two GiB of memory with corresponding CPU and networking, similar to what is used in Neptune instances.

Scale-up latency

Automatic scaling to hundreds of thousands of transactions per second

Scale-down latency

<5 minute

Starting capacity


Capacity granularity

Fine-grained, with increments as small as 1 NCU

Read replicas

Up to 15 Neptune replicas for read scalability

Multi-AZ and SLA

Distribute read replicas in separate AZs for high availability. Refer to Neptune SLA for details.

Database storage and I/O pricing for Neptune Database

Storage consumed by your Neptune database is billed in per GB-month increments, and I/Os consumed are billed in per million request increments. You pay only for the storage and I/Os your Neptune database consumes and do not need to provision in advance.

Except as otherwise noted, our prices are exclusive of applicable taxes and duties, including VAT and applicable sales tax. For customers with a Japanese billing address, use of AWS is subject to Japanese Consumption Tax. Learn more.

Neptune Global Database

Amazon Neptune Global Database is an optional feature providing low-latency global reads and disaster recovery in the unlikely event of Region-wide outages. You pay for replicated write I/Os between the primary Region and each secondary Region. The number of replicated write I/Os to each secondary Region is the same as the number of in-Region write I/Os performed by the primary Region. Apart from replicated write I/Os, you pay standard Neptune rates for instances, storage, cross-Region data transfer, and backup storage.

Backup storage pricing

The backup storage pricing applies to both Neptune Database and Neptune Analytics.

Backup storage for Neptune is the storage associated with your automated database backups and any customer-initiated database cluster snapshots. Increasing your backup retention period or taking database cluster snapshots increases the backup storage consumed.

Backup storage is allocated by Region. Total backup storage space is equivalent to the sum of the storage for all backups in that Region. Moving a database snapshot to another Region increases allocated backup storage in the destination Region.

There is no additional charge for backup storage of up to 100% of your total Neptune storage for each Neptune cluster. There is also no additional charge for backup storage if your backup retention period is one day, and you don’t have any snapshots beyond the retention period.

Backup storage, as well as snapshots you store after your database cluster is deleted, will be charged at the above rates.

Data transfer pricing

The pricing below is based on data transferred “in” and “out” of Neptune Database.

Except as otherwise noted, our prices are exclusive of applicable taxes and duties, including VAT and applicable sales tax. For customers with a Japanese billing address, use of AWS is subject to Japanese Consumption Tax.

Data transferred between Neptune and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances in the same AZ is free.

Data transferred between AZs for replication of Multi-AZ deployments is free.

Neptune Database instances outside of Amazon VPC: For data transferred between an Amazon EC2 instance and a Neptune Database instance in different AZs of the same Region, there is no data transfer charge for traffic in or out of the Neptune Database instance. You are only charged for the data transfer in or out of the Amazon EC2 instance, and standard Amazon EC2 Regional data transfer charges apply ($0.01 per GB in/out).

Neptune Database instances inside of Amazon VPC: For data transferred between an Amazon EC2 instance and a Neptune Database instance in different AZs of the same Region, Amazon EC2 Regional data transfer charges apply on both sides of the transfer.

Neptune workbench

Neptune workbench provides Neptune notebooks, which you can use to run graph queries and visualize results in Jupyter notebooks hosted by Amazon SageMaker. A Neptune notebook instance is priced per instance hour running in Ready state. These Neptune workbench charges are independent of engine choice and work with both Neptune Database and Neptune Analytics.

Pricing examples

Pricing example 1

Let’s say your Neptune Database is running on a db.r5.large instance (on demand) in US East (N. Virginia). You store 50 GB of data with 100 GB backup, and you perform 200 million I/Os per month, with data transfer IN of 50 GB per month, and data transfer OUT of 10 GB per month. Your charges are calculated as follows:

Instance charges
The on-demand pricing for db.r5.large instance is $0.348 per hour, so your monthly cost for the instance is $250.56 ($0.348 * 24 * 30).

Storage charges
Your storage cost is $0.10 per GB-month, so for 50 GB storage your (30-day) monthly cost is $5 ($0.10 * 50). There is no additional charge for the first 50 GB of backup storage. The remaining 50 GB of backup storage is $1.05 ($0.021 * 50).

I/O charges
Your I/O cost is $0.20 per million request increments, so for 200 Million I/Os per month, your cost is $40 ($0.20 * 200).

Data transfer charges
There is no charge for data transfer IN to your Neptune Database. Data transfer OUT (up to 100 GB/month) is also free. Cost for data transfer OUT is $0.00 ($0.00 * 10).

Total charges
$250.56 instance charges
$5 storage charges
$1.05 backup storage charges
$40 I/O charges
$0 data transfer charges
Total = $296.61

Pricing example 2

Let’s say your Neptune Database is running on a db.r5.large instance (on demand) in US East (N. Virginia). You store 50 GB of data with 100 GB backup, and you perform 450 million I/Os per month, with data transfer IN of 50 GB per month, and data transfer OUT of 10 GB per month. Let’s compare your charges with a Standard configuration compared to an I/O-Optimized configuration:

Instance charges
The on-demand pricing with I/O-Optimized db.r5.large instance is $0.4698 per hour, so your monthly cost for the instance is $338.26 ($0.4698 * 24 * 30).

Storage charges
Your storage cost with I/O-Optimized is $0.225 per GB-month, so for 50 GB storage your (30-day) monthly cost is $11.25 ($0.225 * 5 0). There is no additional charge for the first 50 GB of backup storage. The remaining 50 GB of backup storage is $1.05 ($0.021 * 50).

I/O charges
There are no I/O charges with an I/O-Optimized configuration.

Data transfer charges
There is no charge for data transfer IN to your Neptune Database. Data transfer OUT (up to 100 GB/month) is also free. Cost for data transfer OUT is $0.00 ($0.00 * 10).

Total charges
$338.26 instance charges
$11.25 storage charges
$1.05 backup storage charges
$0 I/O charges
$0 data transfer charges
Total = $350.56

Pricing example 3

Let’s say your Neptune Database is running with one primary db.r5d.2xlarge instance (on-demand) and three replica r5d.2xlarge instances (on-demand) in Europe (Frankfurt). You also use the Neptune workbench to run one ml.t3.xlarge notebook instance (on-demand) in the same region. You store 100 GB of data with 75 GB backup, and you perform 150 million I/Os per month. Your charges are calculated as follows:

Instance charges
The on-demand pricing for db.r5d.2xlarge is $1.92 per hour. You have four instances in your cluster, so your 30-day month cost for the cluster is $5,529.60 ($1.92 * 4 * 24 * 30).

Storage charges
Your storage cost is $0.119 per GB-month so for 100 GB storage, your (30-day) monthly cost is $11.90 ($0.119 * 100). There is no additional charge for backup storage of up to 100 percent of your total Neptune Database storage for each Neptune cluster. Your backup cost is $0.00.

I/O charges
Your I/O cost is $0.22 per 1 million requests, so for 150 million I/Os per month, your cost is $33.00 ($0.22 * 150).

Notebook charges
Notebooks are hosted and billed through the SageMaker notebook service. Customers are charged for the notebook instance while the instance is in the ready state. The on-demand pricing for ml.t3.xlarge is $0.23 per hour, so your 30-day monthly cost for the notebook instance is $165.60 ($0.23 * 24 * 30).

Total charges
$5,529.60 database instance charges
$11.90 storage charges
$0.00 backup charges
$33.00 I/O charges
$165.60 notebook instance charges
Total = $5,740.10

Pricing example 4

Suppose you want to run pageRank and other analytical queries on your graph every day to monitor the trend of influence over time. You will read your data from Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and store the results back to Amazon S3. No additional hot standby graphs are configured because you are not serving live traffic. Assuming that it takes 2 hours to run the full analytics job on your graph and requires 256 GB of RAM:

256_PMH_hr_Cost * hours = 7.68 * 2 = $15.36
Total = $15.36

Additional charges: If your application uses other AWS services, such as Amazon S3, you are charged standard Amazon S3 rates.

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