- Version 5.2.2-0 on Debian 12
- Sold by Bitnami by VMware
Up-to-date and secure image. Matomo, formerly known as Piwik, is a real time web analytics program. It provides detailed reports on website visitors.
Bitnami by VMware provides 130+ open-source apps, updated with the latest versions, dependencies, and operating systems. Deploy these apps in the form of VMs, containers or Helm charts. Bitnami also offers Tanzu Application Catalog™ - an enterprise offering containing trusted continuously maintained application components that can be customized according to IT governance policies and delivered to a chosen repository. We also offer packaging services for any commercial/open-source software that would like to be published on AWS Marketplace. You can reach us at bitnami-info@groups.vmware.com.
Up-to-date and secure image. Matomo, formerly known as Piwik, is a real time web analytics program. It provides detailed reports on website visitors.
Up-to-date and secure image. Apache Solr is an extremely powerful, open source enterprise search platform built on Apache Lucene. It is highly reliable and flexible, scalable, and designed to add value very quickly after launch.
Up-to-date and secure image. Mattermost empowers organizations through secure, modern communication: open source team messaging and file sharing across web, mobile and PC, archiving, search and unlimited third-party integrations.
Up-to-date and secure image. PrestaShop is a powerful open source eCommerce platform used by over 250,000 online storefronts worldwide. It is easily customizable, responsive, and includes powerful tools to drive online sales.
Up-to-date, secure, and ready to deploy on Kubernetes. etcd is a distributed key-value store designed to securely store data across a cluster. etcd is widely used in production on account of its reliability, fault-tolerance and ease of use.
Up-to-date and secure image. Neo4j is a high performance graph store with all the features expected of a mature and robust database, like a friendly query language and ACID transactions.
Up-to-date and secure image. Subversion enables globally distributed software development teams to efficiently version and share source code with low administrative overhead.
Up-to-date, secure, and ready to deploy on Kubernetes. Logstash is an open source data processing engine. It ingests data from multiple sources, processes it, and sends the output to final destination in real-time. It is a core component of the ELK stack.
Up-to-date and secure image. Drupal is one of the most versatile open source content management systems in the world. It is pre-configured with the Ctools and Views modules, Drush and Let's Encrypt auto-configuration support.
Up-to-date, secure, and ready to deploy on Kubernetes. InfluxDB(TM) is an open source time-series database. It is a core component of the TICK (Telegraf, InfluxDB(TM), Chronograf, Kapacitor) stack.
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