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    OPNsense® Firewall/Router/VPN/IDPS

    Sold by: OPNsense 
    Free Trial
    AWS Free Tier
    High-end security made easy™
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    OPNsense® Firewall/Router/VPN/IDPS

    Sold by: OPNsense 


    OPNsense is the fastest growing open-source security platform with an Open Source Initiative (OSI) approved 2-clause or simplified BSD license. Its feature set is extensive and ranges from router/firewall to inline intrusion detection and prevention.

    It is the only open-source product that comes with the highly valued Proofpoint® ET Pro ruleset at no cost in the form of the ET Pro Telemetry edition.

    The project is defined by its innovation through modularisation and hardening, simple and reliable firmware upgrades, multi-language support, hardened security, fast adoption of upstream software updates as well as a large and friendly community.

    Optionally instances can be upgraded with the Business Edition using a separate licence available from, volume options are also available.


    • Fully featured stateful Inspection Firewall with advanced routing features, including various dynamic protocols such as OSPF and BGP (pluggable)
    • Various proven VPN technologies, such as OpenVP, IPsec and Wireguard which helps to secure your cloud infrastructure
    • Inline Intrusion Detection and Prevention including high quality rulesets from Proofpoint (ET Open, ET Pro [Telemetry], depending on license)


    Sold by

    Delivery method

    Delivery option
    64-bit (x86) Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

    Latest version

    Operating system
    FreeBsd OPNsense® 24.1

    Typical total price

    This estimate is based on use of the seller's recommended configuration (t2.small) in the US East (N. Virginia) Region. View pricing details



    Free trial

    Try this product at no cost for 30 days according to the free trial terms set by the vendor. Usage-based pricing is in effect for usage beyond the free trial terms. Your free trial gets automatically converted to a paid subscription when the trial ends, but may be canceled any time before that.

    OPNsense® Firewall/Router/VPN/IDPS

    Pricing is based on actual usage, with charges varying according to how much you consume. Subscriptions have no end date and may be canceled any time. Alternatively, you can pay upfront for a contract, which typically covering your anticipated usage for the contract duration. Any usage beyond contract will incur additional usage-based costs.
    Additional AWS infrastructure costs may apply. Use the AWS Pricing Calculator  to estimate your infrastructure costs.

    Usage costs (68)

    Instance type
    Product cost/hour
    EC2 cost/hour
    AWS Free Tier
    AWS Free Tier

    Additional AWS infrastructure costs

    EBS General Purpose SSD (gp2) volumes
    $0.10/per GB/month of provisioned storage

    Vendor refund policy

    Hourly users can stop using the service at any time without additional costs, cancellation within 48 hours warrants a full refund


    Vendor terms and conditions

    Upon subscribing to this product, you must acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the vendor's End User License Agreement (EULA) .

    Content disclaimer

    Vendors are responsible for their product descriptions and other product content. AWS does not warrant that vendors' product descriptions or other product content are accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free.

    Usage information


    Delivery details

    64-bit (x86) Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

    Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

    An AMI is a virtual image that provides the information required to launch an instance. Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) instances are virtual servers on which you can run your applications and workloads, offering varying combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking resources. You can launch as many instances from as many different AMIs as you need.

    Additional details

    Usage instructions

    After deployment, ssh and https are enabled by default. To access the instance using https use a recent webbrowser.

    The default username for your instance is : ec2-user (both ssh and https)

    We advise to setup an initial password in the "User data" which can be found in the "Advanced Details" of Step 3 during installation, make sure to select "as text" for the input method. The format for this data is as follows: password=mypasssword

    When omitting a password, one will be automatically generated, which will be visible in the "System Log" (Get System Log option of the instance). Please note that EC2 images often need some time to flush the content of the system log, when presented empty, wait for a minute and try again. A random root password will also be generated and visible from the same log.

    SSH access uses the key provided during installation, the ec2-user should be used as username (e.g. ssh -i my_delivered_ssh_aws_key ec2-user@my-host-at-ec2).


    Vendor resources


    Vendor support

    Commercial support at hourly rates

    AWS infrastructure support

    AWS Support is a one-on-one, fast-response support channel that is staffed 24x7x365 with experienced and technical support engineers. The service helps customers of all sizes and technical abilities to successfully utilize the products and features provided by Amazon Web Services.

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    Customer reviews

    Ratings and reviews

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    5 AWS reviews

    no support for nitro systems -> no serial console

    Reviewed on Feb 11, 2023
    Purchase verified by AWS

    instance not reachable after update -> no support for nitro systems (not possible to pick such an instance) -> no serial console -> not working for me.


    Full featured open source firewall

    Reviewed on Jan 14, 2023
    Purchase verified by AWS

    OPNsense has a ton of features. Everything I need.
    For security reasons there is no default password. This is nice from security point of view but can be confusing for new users. Therefore check documentation  and have a look at console output after first boot.

    Deepu M Jacob

    Not able to Upgrade from 21.7.8

    Reviewed on Nov 19, 2022
    Purchase verified by AWS

    When I am trying to upgrade the opnsense from 21.7.8 to a newer version it is showing the following error. This is happening for the past few months
    Currently running OPNsense 21.7.8 (amd64/OpenSSL) at Sat Nov 19 13:44:46 IST 2022
    Fetching changelog information, please wait... fetch: : Not Found
    Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...
    pkg: : Not Found
    repository OPNsense has no meta file, using default settings
    pkg: : Not Found
    Unable to update repository OPNsense
    Error updating repositories!
    pkg: Repository OPNsense cannot be opened. 'pkg update' required
    Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
    Your packages are up to date.



    Reviewed on May 14, 2022
    Purchase verified by AWS

    The deployment is easy and hassle free because it come configured out of the box, just need to setup a proper AWS infrastructure for it to funtion. Overall, it works fine for me.


    does not work

    Reviewed on Feb 21, 2022
    Purchase verified by AWS

    the default login credentials do not work rendering this useless. if i cant login to opnsense this image is useless

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