Amazon DynamoDB Standard-IA

Reduce costs by up to 60% for infrequently accessed data

Why Amazon DynamoDB Standard-IA?

The Amazon DynamoDB Standard Infrequent Access (DynamoDB Standard-IA) table class helps you reduce your DynamoDB costs by up to 60% for tables that store data that is infrequently accessed. The DynamoDB Standard-IA table class is ideal for use cases that require long-term storage of data that is infrequently accessed, such as application logs, old social media posts, ecommerce order history, and past gaming achievements.

The DynamoDB Standard-IA table class offers lower storage costs than the DynamoDB Standard tables, making it the most cost-effective option for tables with storage as the dominant table cost. The DynamoDB Standard table class offers lower throughput costs than the DynamoDB Standard-IA table class. DynamoDB Standard is your default table class and the most cost-effective option for the vast majority of workloads. To learn more about DynamoDB Standard-IA pricing, see the DynamoDB pricing page.

You can switch between DynamoDB Standard and DynamoDB Standard-IA table classes with no impact on table performance, durability, or availability and without changing your application code. For more information about using table classes, see the DynamoDB Developer Guide.

Benefits of Amazon DynamoDB Standard-IA

Optimize the costs of your DynamoDB workloads based on your tables’ storage requirements and data access patterns.
DynamoDB Standard-IA tables offer the same performance, durability, and availability as DynamoDB Standard tables.
Manage table classes using the AWS Management Console, AWS CloudFormation, or the AWS CLI/SDK.

Use cases

Social media users expect posts, even older ones, to be immediately available when requested. DynamoDB Standard-IA tables let you retain all posts at a lower cost, with the same benefits as DynamoDB Standard tables.

Customers occasionally want to look up an older order to repurchase an item or get product information. With DynamoDB Standard-IA, you can retain historical customer orders at a lower cost.

Game players collect trophies and expect to be able to access both new and old achievements as desired. DynamoDB Standard-IA lets you retain all this data at a reduced cost.