Amazon EC2 Capacity Blocks for ML Pricing

With Amazon EC2 Capacity Blocks for ML, you can reserve just the amount of accelerator capacity you need to run your machine learning workloads. EC2 Capacity Blocks pricing consists of a reservation fee and an operating system fee. Prices and examples of these fees are provided below. Learn more about EC2 Capacity Blocks.

Pricing Tables

The reservation fee is charged up front at the time you schedule the reservation. Reservation prices are updated regularly based on trends in supply and demand for EC2 Capacity Blocks. The current prices are scheduled to be updated on January 1, 2025. Your Capacity Block is charged at the prevailing rate at the time of purchase, even if the Capacity Block is scheduled to start after the price is updated. The current reservation rates are shown in the table below.

Instance Type Region Effective Instance Hourly Rate Effective Accelerator Hourly Rate GPU vCPU Instance Memory Accelerator Memory Instance Storage (TB) Network Performance
p5.48xlarge US East (N. Virginia) $39.33 USD $4.916 USD 8 x H100 192 2048 GiB 640 GB HBM3 8 x 3.84 NVMe SSD 3200 Gigabit
p5.48xlarge US East (Ohio) $39.33 USD $4.916 USD 8 x H100 192 2048 GiB 640 GB HBM3 8 x 3.84 NVMe SSD 3200 Gigabit


US East (Ohio)

$43.26 USD

$5.408 USD

8 x H200


2048 GiB

1128 GB HBM3

8 x 3.84 NVMe SSD

3200 Gigabit

p4d.24xlarge US East (Ohio) $14.75 USD $1.844 USD 8 x A100 96 1152 GiB 320 GB HBM2 8 x 1 NVMe SSD 400 Gigabit

US West (Oregon)

$14.75 USD $1.844 USD 8 x A100 96 1152 GiB 320 GB HBM2 8 x 1 NVMe SSD 400 Gigabit
trn1.32xlarge Asia Pacific (Melbourne) $15.49 USD $0.968 USD 16 x AWS Trainium 128 512 GiB 512 GB 4 x 1.9 NVMe SSD 800 Gigabit

When you use an EC2 Capacity Block, you pay for the operating system you use when your instances are running. Linux, Ubuntu Pro, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), and RHEL with HA operating system prices are billed at per-second granularity. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) is billed at a flat, hourly rate (minimum one-hour billing). The pricing below shows the hourly rate you pay by the operating system you use for your instance.

Notice: Red Hat has made an update to their cloud pricing model for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). On July 1, 2024 pricing for EC2 RHEL changed to a per-vCPU-hour based pricing model. Learn about the new prices in the RHEL on AWS Pricing page.

Instance Size Hourly rate by operating system
  Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) RHEL with HA SLES Ubuntu Pro
p5.48xlarge $0.000 USD $0.130 USD $0.165 USD $0.125 USD $0.336 USD


$0.000 USD

$0.130 USD

$0.165 USD

$0.125 USD

$0.336 USD

p4d.24xlarge $0.000 USD $0.130 USD $0.165 USD $0.125 USD $0.168 USD
trn1.32xlarge $0.000 USD $1.229 USD $2.573 USD $0.125 USD $0.224 USD

Pricing examples

Pricing example 1

On March 20, 2024 you purchase an EC2 Capacity Block for four p5.48xlarge instances in the US East (Ohio) region with a start date of March 29, 2024 and an end date of March 31, 2024 (reservation duration of 48 hours). At the time of purchase, the effective instance hourly rate for p5.48xlarge instances in the US East (Ohio) region is $39.33 USD. When your EC2 Capacity Block reservation begins, you launch all four instances into the reservation using the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system at the reservation start time. You run your instances continuously and terminate them one hour before your reservation expiration time. The total price you pay is calculated as follows: 

Instance-hours reserved
Reservation price at time of purchase
Charge for reservation
192 instance-hours $39.33 USD / instance-hour $7,551.36 USD
Instance-hours used Operating system price Charge for operating system usage
188 instance-hours $0.130 USD / instance-hour $24.44 USD
    Total charges: $7,575.80 USD

Pricing example 2

On March 8, 2024 you purchase an EC2 Capacity Block for two p4d.24xlarge instances in the US West (Oregon) region with a start date of April 25, 2024 and an end date of April 28, 2024 (reservation duration of 72 hours). At the time of purchase, the effective instance hourly rate of p4d.24xlarge instances in the US West (Oregon) is $14.75 USD. When your EC2 Capacity Block reservation begins, you launch both instances into the reservation using the Ubuntu Pro operating system at the reservation start time. You run your instances continuously and terminate them two hours before your reservation expiration time. The total price you pay is calculated as follows: 

Instance-hours reserved
Reservation price at time of purchase
Charge for reservation
144 instance-hours $14.75 USD / instance-hour $2,124.00 USD
Instance-hours used Operating system price Charge for operating system usage
140 instance-hours $0.168 USD / instance-hour $23.52 USD
    Total charges: $2,147.52 USD

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