AWS Compute Blog
Efficiently manage Amazon EC2 On-Demand Capacity Reservations (ODCRs) with split, move, and modify
This post is written by Ninad Joshi, Senior Solutions Architect, Ballu Singh, Principal Solutions Architect, and Ankush Goyal, Enterprise Support Lead AWS. Introduction In today’s cloud-first world, managing compute capacity efficiently while making sure of application availability is crucial for your business. Amazon EC2 On-Demand Capacity Reservations (ODCR) is a valuable tool for organizations looking […]
Introducing an enhanced local IDE experience for AWS Step Functions
This post written by Ben Freiberg, Senior Solutions Architect. AWS Step Functions introduces an enhanced local IDE experience to simplify building state machines. Workflow Studio is now available within Visual Studio Code (VS Code) through the AWS Toolkit extension. With this integration, developers can author and edit state machines in their local IDE using the […]
Architecting for seamless on-premises connectivity with AWS Outposts servers
This post is written by Mark Nguyen, Principal Solutions Architect, AWS and Ryan Fillis, Solutions Architect, AWS. AWS Outposts brings native AWS services, infrastructure, and operating models to virtually any data center, co-location space, or on-premises facility. Deploying Outposts servers in your environment necessitates additional considerations regarding local network connectivity and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud […]
Streamlining AMI creation with EC2 Image Builder components in AWS Marketplace
This post is written by Smriti Ohri, Senior Product Manager, EC2 and Omar Chehab, Senior Product Manager, AWS Marketplace. At re:Invent 2024, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the availability of third-party EC2 Image Builder components in AWS Marketplace. EC2 Image Builder is a fully managed service that streamlines the customization, testing, distribution, and lifecycle management […]
Dynamically reconfigure your AWS Outposts capacity using Capacity Tasks
This post is written by Brianna Rosentrater, Hybrid Edge Specialist SA and Adam Duffield, Senior Technical Account Manager. AWS Outposts extends AWS infrastructure, AWS services, APIs, and tools to on-premises locations for workloads that require low latency, local data processing, or data residency. Outposts comes in a variety of form factors, from 42U Outposts racks […]
Introducing JSONL support with Step Functions Distributed Map
This post written by Uma Ramadoss, Principal Specialist SA, Serverless and Vinita Shadangi, Senior Specialist SA, Serverless. Today, AWS Step Functions is expanding the capabilities of Distributed Map by adding support for JSON Lines (JSONL) format. JSONL, a highly efficient text-based format, stores structured data as individual JSON objects separated by newlines, making it particularly […]
Automating Notifications for Future-Dated Amazon EC2 Capacity Reservation State Changes
This post is written by Ballu Singh, Principal Solutions Architect at AWS, Sandeep Rohilla, Senior Solutions Architect at AWS and Pranjal Gururani, Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. AWS customers are able to proactively reserve future-dated Amazon EC2 On-Demand Capacity Reservations (known as future-dated CRs) to get capacity assurance for workloads and events. Because reservations can be created weeks […]
Introducing cross-account targets for Amazon EventBridge Event Buses
This post is written by Anton Aleksandrov, Principal Solutions Architect, Serverless and Alexander Vladimirov, Senior Solutions Architect, Serverless Today, Amazon EventBridge is announcing support for cross-account targets for Event Buses. This new capability allows you to send events directly to targets, such as Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), AWS Lambda, and Amazon Simple Notification Service […]
Serverless ICYMI Q4 2024
Welcome to the 27th edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. At the end of a quarter, we share the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed! In case you missed our last ICYMI, check out […]
Implementing backup for workloads running on AWS Outposts servers
This post is written by Leonardo Queirolo, Senior Cloud Support Engineer and Tareq Rajabi, Senior Solutions Architect, Hybrid Cloud AWS Outposts servers provide fully managed AWS infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to on-premises and edge locations with limited space or small capacity requirements, such as retail stores, branch offices, healthcare provider locations, or factory floors. […]